
Yifei Xu
Young Principle Investigator
Dr. Xu obtained his PhD at Nanjing University, and worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at TU Eindhoven (NL) and University of Leeds (UK). He joined the Department of Macromolecular Science of Fudan University in 2021. The research of Dr. Xu mainly focuses on using cryoTEM to investigate the formation mechanims of soft matter materials. So far he has published a number of articles in high-impact journals such as Nat. Commun., Adv. Funct. Mater. and Chem. Mater. The research of Dr.Xu has recently been supported by NSFC Young Scholar program, Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual fellowship, Shanghai Pujiang Program, Shanghai Leading Talents Program (Overseas), etc . More...

Haiqin Du
Postdoctral Research Fellow
Dr. Du obtained her PhD at Sorbonne University (FR) in 2021, and she worked on anionic ring-opening polymerization as well as the synthesis and aqueous self-assembly of star block copolymers. The research results were published on Langmuir and Polym. Chem. Her research interests are biomineralization and polymers’ self-assembly in confined environment.
Pilan Zhang
PhD student
Pilan Zhang received her master's degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 2020,she studied at Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering,CAS from 2018 to 2020. Her research interests include the preparation of porous catalytic materials and biomass catalytic conversion,her work has been published in Catal. Sci. Technol. and RSC Adv.

Shiwen Cui
PhD student
Shiwen Cui received her M.S. degree at the Department of Pharmaceutics, China Pharmaceutical University in 2022. During her M.S., her research focused on the mechanisms of pathological mineralization and drug intervention strategies. The results were published in CrystEngComm.

Yixiang He received his M.S. degree at the School of Material Science and Engineering at Beihang University in 2024. His current research focuses on exploring the degradation mechanisms of anion exchange membranes (AEM) using cryo-electron microscopy combined with theoretical calculations.
PhD Student
Yixiang He

Baoying Zhang
Research Assistant
Zhang Baoying graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2024. Her main research direction is the preparation of anisotropic polymer particles and the study of their optical properties.

Chengkun Xing
Master Student
Chengkun Xing received his Bachelor's degree in Engineering from Xiamen University in 2022. His primary research focus lies in utilizing cryo-electron microscopy to investigate the performance differences of ruthenium-based and iridium-based catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction in water electrolysis.

Keyan Liu
Undergraduate Student
Keyan Liu started to study in the Department of Macromolecular Science at Fudan University in 2021 as an undergraduate student. His research interests are mainly in Cryo-TEM method and its application in the characterization of soft matter.

Jiawei Li
Undergraduate Student
Jiawei Li started to study in the Department of Macromolecular Science at Fudan University in 2022 as an undergraduate student. Her research interests are mainly in crystal nucleation and growth mechanism at organic interfaces and self-assembly mechanism of polymers.

Jingyi Liu
Jingyi Liu graduated from the Chinese Academy of Forestry with a master's degree in 2023. Her main research direction is bio-based polymer materials, and her research results were published in Green Chem. From 2023 to 2024, she served as a research assistant in the group.